Additional equipment such as a camping table, barbecue, travel set, beach umbrella can be rented with the vehicle. You can select the equipment you want to rent in the cart section.

Caravan Parks... We strongly recommend you stay in a caravan (RV) park. Caravan parks offer excellent recreational opportunities, plus essential shower and toilet facilities. Powered sites enable you to connect your vehicle to electricity.

You can hire a vehicle from Let's Go Camper with a standard driver's licence. We require a full (non provisional) and valid driver's licence, which must be presented in person by all people wishing to drive the vehicle. The driver of the Motorhome must be over 21 years of age and under 75 years of age. Foreing driver's lcences are valid for 6 month.

We have manual and automatic transmission models. Comfort Deluxe model has automatic transmission.

Our largest vehicle can accommodate a maximum of 6 people

All models have awnings

Hard suitcases are not recommended. We recommend you travel with foldable, soft bags only. Restrict your luggage to a minimum.

Yes, you need to be plugged into a power source (220 Volt) to use the air-conditioning in the living area of all models. All vehicles have AC in the driver's cabin.

There is a AC in the driver's cabin on all models. The air-conditioning in the living area only works while plugged in to 220V mains power supply (available on campgrounds)

There is a power inverter or usb charge outlets in the camper. So you can recharge your laptop and cell phone.

Let's Go Camper does not provide irons or ironing boards. However you will find most camp grounds do have laundry facilities.

All vehicles come fully equipped with: Cooking Utensils, Pots/Pans/Frypan, Plates & Bowls, Cups, Electric Kettle Cutlery,Corkscrew, Chopping Board, Dustpan & Broom, Fire Extinguisher, Fresh Water Hose, First Aid Kit, 20m electric cable, Toilet Chemical, LPG Bottle.

Let's Go Camper does not provide hair dryers.

Our pick up and drop off location is only Antalya.

You can pay for the deposit (1000EUR) by cash or credit card blockage.

No extra fees apply. Max. 2 drivers can drive.

No, you can come to our depot by yourself. (10 min. far from the Antalya Airport by taxi.)

No. Our location is just 10 min far away from rthe Antalya Airport by taxi.

No, we do not allow pick ups after hours. If the delay is unexpected, please contact us directly for assistance. It is generally advisable to book a hotel for the first night if you will arrive after 18:00

No, we do not allow animals in the vehicles.

No. Smoking is not permitted in any Let's Go Camper vehicle.